I have worked for or worked with InterSystems platforms for 35 years, 20 of them at InterSystems. I spent much of my career as a Sales Engineer spreading the gospel of Cache, Ensemble and now IRIS. I have written a number of applications over the years, many of which are still running. from 2009 onwards I wrote a number of Interfaces to LabTrak and those interfaces have been copied a multitude of times by other developers. In 2015 I was introduced to Pharmacy Robotics and for the next 4 years, I wrote several versions of the interface with increasing comp;lexity and functinality. I started a company NiPaRobotica with my friend Paul Hula with the aim of marketing the Pharmacy Robotics but my longer-term vision is an "Any Application to Any Robot", almost NO-CODE product. I have a strong background in HL7, FHIR, Instruments, Labs, HIS. My current passions are Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Python, R, PiCar Pro robot kit. I am currently working as a contractor.