Biografía del usuario
Good day!
I'm running InterSystems Corporate Venture Fund and a co-founder of Caelestinus Incubator..
I love our Developer ecosystem projects Community, Open Exchange and GLobal Masters, Ideas Portal and Package Manager!
I encourage you to join our Partner Directory and Partner Portal!
I invite you to join our InterSystems startup ecosystem: InterSystems Venture Fund, Digital Health Startup Incubator Caelestinus and Startup program!
I find a great pleasure participating in this great community of like minded, helpful and open hearted people!
Would love to be connected in LinkedIn and Github!
I wish you to have a great day and find some happiness, joy and calm!
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Miembro desde 10 nov, 2015
Aplicaciones de Open Exchange:
Insignias y certificaciones Credly:

Insignias de Global Masters:

Muchas gracias, @Robert Cemper! Creo que hay un pequeño error tipográfico en la línea de comandos. Debería ser "namespace"