· 18 nov, 2022

InterSystems Ideas News - todas las novedades del Portal de Sugerencias de InterSystems

¡Hola Comunidad!

Esta es la primera publicación con las novedades de InterSystems Ideas, el Portal de Sugerencias de InterSystems.

A lot of ideas or good ideas? What is better? - Consulting House

La noticia más importante es el resultado del primer Ideatón (Maratón de Ideas) de InterSystems, que fue todo un éxito y recibimos 75 ideas nuevas.

Algunas estadísticas del Portal de Sugerencias:

✓ 42 ideas nuevas publicadas en octubre
✓ 147 usuarios nuevos entraron con su cuenta en el Portal en octubre
✓ 142 ideas publicadas desde el inicio del Portal
✓ 273 usuarios han entrado con su cuenta en el Portal desde su inicio

Las 5 ideas más votadas del mes de octubre fueron:

  1. IRIS and ZPM(Open Exchange) integration
  2. Move users, roles, resources, user tasks, Mappings (etc) to a seperate Database, other than %SYS, so these items can be mirrored
  3. RPMShare - Database solution for remote patient monitoring (RPM) datasets of high density vitals
  4. Create front-end package based on CSS and JS to be used in NodeJS and Angular projects
  5. PM platform
Estas son las 42 ideas publicadas en octubre
  1. Add IRIS as a supported database for Apache Superset
  2. For community articles, let admins (and possibly article authors) pin particular comments to the top
  3. Add address standardization to Normalization (using Project US@ standards)
  4. PM platform
  5. Tool to convert legacy dot syntax code to use bracket syntax
  6. TTTC
  7. PDF reports for IRIS BI
  8. Sample code share opportunity
  9. Add basic tutorial of Docker or point to a Docker tutorial in Documentation
  10. The ability to export current settings to a %Installer Manifest
  11. Move users, roles, resources, user tasks, Mappings (etc) to a seperate Database, other than %SYS, so these items can be mirrored
  12. Common Data Modelling
  13. CI/CD support
  14. String format to numeric values in ZEN.proxyObject
  15. Patient Initiated Follow Up - Adding a document to an ROPWL
  16. I service Flags
  17. Linking I service to JIRA system
  18. Linux: iris session [command line] get commands from a file
  19. Journal file analysis/visualization
  20. Add the option to call class parameters in Embedded Python
  21. Create query builder
  22. Colour Background on Ward / Clinical Areas Floorplans
  23. A Dynamic Cheat Sheet to lookup for Common Core Functions for Reusability
  24. Version History for Classes
  25. Add wizard to create class with its properties
  26. RPMShare - Database solution for remote patient monitoring (RPM) datasets of high density vitals
  27. Better handle whitespace in Management Portal Text entry
  28. IRIS and ZPM(Open Exchange) integration
  29. Visual programming language
  30. Backup button before importing
  31. Adapting tools for people with special needs and/or disabilities 🌐🔰🦽🦼♿
  32. Reserve licenses
  33. Interoperability Wizard
  34. Improve journal display in IRIS admin portal
  35. Create front-end package based on CSS and JS to be used in NodeJS and Angular projects
  36. Mirror Async Member Time Delay in Applying Journals
  37. Cache Journal Switch Schedule
  38. Monitoring and Programatic way of Starting/Stoping Gateways
  39. Embedded Python: Add a built-in variable to represent class
  40. LDAP Authentication method by default on Web Applications
  41. Please add google oauth authorization to login to the management portal
  42. Data Analyzer


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