· Jun 25, 2020

New Video: IntegratedML-Template Demo

Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Zhong.Li for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest

⏯ IntegratedML-Template Demo
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This video will show you how to spin up a simple end-to-end demo environment of Intersystems IntegratedML with a simple docker command.

IntegratedML in InterSystems IRIS

It consists of 2 containers: one InterSystems IRIS 2020.3 CE server with built-in IntegratedML and preloaded sample data; the other hosts a Jupyter notebook server with 2 sample notebooks with Python JDBC and PyODBC drivers.

So if you would like to use Python for Machine Learning, and you know some SQL, then this video will show you how to leverage the power of InterSystems IRIS + IntegratedML – use simple SQL to train and deploy ML models right where your data lives, as well as to read data out of IRIS database for traditional ML/DL pipelines.

⬇️  IntegratedML-Template on Open Exchange

Learn more in IntegratedML Resource Guide.

Enjoy watching the video! 👍🏼

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