· Feb 24, 2020

%GetComponentByID Compile Error


I have a class I'm working on that is extending a base class that contains the %GetComponentByID method and a section of the new code I'm writing uses %GetComponentByID but when I attempt to compile the class I'm getting an error that says the method doesn't exist. 

Am I missing something to be able to include the GetComponent method in an extended class? 

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You see, when I try to call it with ##super I get "method does not exist in any super class" 

The line that's giving me trouble is: 

 Set tCombobox=..%GetComponentById(pComboName)

I'm basically trying to pass a class parameter into the GetComponent so it can be used in a variable. 

The parent class uses the GetComponentById without an issue so I can't figure out why I'm getting the "not present in class" error.