· Mar 15, 2017

Multilingual Support for CSP Application



We have a application developed in CSP and JS. Is there any way to make this application available in multiple language like Spanish etc.


We are ready to re-write the code in Zen also if it supports that feature.


Could any one of you please assist/advice a Solution to reach the required goal using Cache technologies, it will be a great help if someone has any sample code for the same.





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Hey Ed,


This translation includes two things :

1. Translate the data in English (which user enters in text fields in their native language like spanish etc. ) while passing to downstream application.

2. On UI part, we have a dictionary available at database level which stores the Label Titles in English language, now lets say if we deploy this application in Ireland or in some other country then these labels needs to be translated in their native language.



Paras Batheja.

You're probably too far down the line in terms of CSP development, but this kind of multi-lingual capability was something that was available years ago in our (M/Gateway)'s original EWD product which could generate CSP pages as one of its many run-time targets.  In fact, multi-lingual support was there from the beginning as it was developed initially for a customer who needed 6 European language translations of the same CSP application. and needed to minimise the time and effort needed to create the translations (done externally by a third-party service) AND keep them all in sync whilst the application was still in active development and then in ongoing maintenance.

Here's the original documentation for anyone interested:

Although my efforts are now focused on the Node.js/JavaScript based QEWD generation of products, the original EWD is still available - it's actually in production use by Quest Diagnostics as the basis of their Internet-based Care360 application, so it's rock-solid and still fully supported.  For information on EWD, go to and click the Legacy link.
