· Dec 16, 2016

How to print a series of files on disk to the windows print spool.

I have a list of files on disk.
Each record is the fully qualified UNC path and filename.
I would like to send these files to the end users default printer as a document.
I have attempted to build a html page using document.write statements and print using printWindow.print(); command.

I think there must be a better way to send a series of files to the windows print spooler.
I would welcome any and all input.

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Hello again, I have returned to creating a web page which contains the image data that I wish to print.

This approach works when I reference images in my /csp directory. However, I need to reference

images which may reside on several storage locations.


I am exploring using virtual directories defined on my CSPGateWay – so far unsuccessfully.

I have tried using URL and just virtual directory syntax(see below).


My hope is that someone with experience in web development might take a look and point out any issues.

Thank you.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Print Window</title>



<img height="1000" width="1000" src="http://myIISserver/csp/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_3.tif">

<img height="1000" width="1000" src="http://myIISserver/csp/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_4.tif">

<img height="1000" width="1000" src="http://myIISserver/csp/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_5.tif">




<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Print Window</title>



<img height="1000" width="1000" src="/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_3">

<img height="1000" width="1000" src="/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_4">

<img height="1000" width="1000" src="/IPMDrvK/###/###/##e/#uk/euk_5">

