· Sep 6, 2016 3m read

These Are NOT Identical Twins: the Class Keywords DependsOn and CompileAfter

In most cases, if one class depends on another, the class compiler will detect this and determine the correct compilation order. For example:

  • Compiling a superclass triggers compilation of its subclasses.
  • Compiling a custom datatype class triggers compilation of any classes with a property of that type.

Yet sometimes, a developer needs to specify compilation order. InterSystems class definitions contain two keywords for this, DependsOn and CompileAfter, that are very similar but not identical. They are useful during development, and also when importing and compiling a set of classes for the first time.

The documentation for these keywords is here:

Here's how the keywords look in a class definition:

Class Test.B [ DependsOn = Test.A ]
Class Test.D [ CompileAfter = Test.C ]

When you compile Test.B, if Test.A has been changed and saved but not compiled, the compiler automatically adds Test.A to the list of classes to compile, and compiles class Test.A before class Test.B. The same thing happens when compiling Test.D: Test.C is compiled before Test.D.

So what's the difference between them? To understand the difference, you must first understand that the compiler is responsible for compilation (checking class for errors, resolving inheritance, and so on) and generating code.

  • Using DependsOn, the compiler compiles and generates code for Test.A before compiling and generating code for Test.B. This is necessary when Test.B calls code in Test.A at compile time. The documentation refers to this as making Test.A runnable before compiling Test.B. 
  • Using CompileAfter, the compiler compiles Test.C before Test.D, but it can generate the code for these classes in any order.

As you can see, DependsOn encompasses CompileAfter.

Let's look at some examples. If you have your own examples to share, please do so in the comments.

Example #1. Test.B depends on Test.A. The value of the STRING parameter is computed at compile time by calling Test.A and accessing its TEXT parameter. When Test.B is compiled (even if compiled alone), the compiler compiles Test.A and generates the code for it, and then compiles and generates code for Test.B. Note that changing Test.A and compiling it does not trigger compilation of Test.B.

Class Test.A 
Parameter TEXT = "this is some text"; 

Class Test.B [ DependsOn = Test.A ] 
Parameter STRING = {##class(Test.A).#TEXT}; 

ClassMethod M1() 
    write ..#STRING, ! 

Example #2. Test.D should be compiled after Test.C. If Test.D is compiled (even if compiled alone), the compiler will compile Test.C and then Test.D. Later, when a Test.D object is created, the constructor can safely call the M2() method to initialize the value for the Test property. As before, note that changing Test.C and compiling it does not trigger compilation of Test.D. 

Class Test.C 
ClassMethod M2() as %Integer
    return 4

Class Test.D extends %Persistent [ CompileAfter = Test.C ] 
Property Test As %Integer [ InitialExpression = {##class(Test.C).M2()} ];

Example #3. Test.F should be compiled after Test.E. Test.F contains embedded SQL that references columns from the Test.E table. If Test.F is compiled (even if compiled alone), the compiler will compile Test.E and then Test.F. This example is a little different than the first two because embedded SQL dependency is stored. So you could remove the CompileAfter keyword after the first time you compile these two classes, and they would continue to compile in the correct order. But including it guarantees that if these two classes are imported and compiled on another system, they will always compile in the correct order.

Class Test.E extends %Persistent
Property Name as %String;

Property Phone as %String;

Class Test.F [ CompileAfter = Test.E ] 
ClassMethod M3()
    &sql(select Name, Phone into :nm, :ph from Test.E)
    write !, nm, "  ", ph
Discussion (5)1
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In the process of writing this article, I discovered that our documentation on these two keywords contains the following sentence: "When you compile this class alone, the compiler does not cause the other classes to be compiled." 

That sentence is incorrect. The documentation has now been fixed, and the updated information will be available online when we refresh the online content.

The example I like for DependsOn involves Method Generators.  In the classes below I have 2 very basic Method Generators, one in each class.  When compiling Example.A the method generator must execute the MyMethod2 in Example.B as part of generating MyMethod1 so Example.B must be fully compiled before we can compile Example.A.  

Without the DependsOn when I import the 2 classes I get the following error:

Compiling class Example.A
ERROR #5002: Cache error: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>MyMethod2+1^Example.A.G1 *Example.B [MyMethod2+1^Example.A.G1:USER]
  > ERROR #5490: Error running generator for method 'MyMethod2:Example.A'
ERROR: : <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST> : Do %code.WriteLine(" Write """ _ ##class(Example.B).MyMethod() _ """")
ERROR: Example.A.cls(MyMethod2) of generated code [MyMethod2+1^Example.A.G1:USER]
    > ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class 'Example.A' [compile+43^%occClass:USER]
Compiling class Example.B
Compiling table Example.A
Compiling table Example.B
Compiling routine Example.A.1
Compiling routine Example.B.1
Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.130s.


When I add DependsOn to Example.A the error goes away. When you look at the compile output you can see that the order has changed.  The compiler generates the class and the routine for Example.B, making it fully functional, before we do anything with Example.A.


Compilation started on 09/07/2016 12:47:58 with qualifiers 'fuckd'

Compiling 2 classes, using 2 worker jobs
Compiling class Example.B
Compiling routine Example.B.1
Compiling class Example.A
Compiling routine Example.A.1
Compilation finished successfully in 0.047s.



Here are my 2 classes:

Class Example.A Extends %Library.RegisteredObject [ DependsOn = Example.B ]

Method MyMethod1() [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
        Do %code.WriteLine(" Write """ _ ##class(Example.B).MyMethod2() _ """")
        Do %code.WriteLine(" Quit")
        Quit $$$OK



Class Example.B Extends %Library.RegisteredObject

ClassMethod MyMethod2() As %String [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
        Do %code.WriteLine(" set ReturnVal = ""This is a really bad example of a method generator """)
        Do %code.WriteLine(" Quit ReturnVal")
        Quit $$$OK


From @Simon Player: as an alternate approach for Example #1 above:

I would be inclined to abstract all the  ‘shared’ params to a superclass (or more than one if it makes sense due to conflicts or large number of params), and inherit that class where needed in all the places where is it referenced – then simply use {..#PARAMBBB}

This is easier to manage, more balanced, and the class compiler can take care of the dependencies, and is arguably cleaner than having a number of cross dependencies (assumes there are not too many, and no conflicts in param names).